Custom domains

To add a custom domain, you will first need to be subscribed to one of the Linguana paid plans. At that point, you can go to your project settings (click on your project from the home screen and then click Settings in the top right) and then click on the Custom domains tab.

How to add a custom domain on Linguana

  1. Test your translations on the Linguana staging domain to ensure that everything is working correctly.

  2. Remove your website from '' and publish it to ''. This is necessary because your root domain will now be hosted on Linguana instead of your original platform. De-index the '' subdomain if you don't want it to appear in search engine results.

  3. Copy the DNS records provided on Linguana and add them to your domain's DNS settings.

  4. Remove any conflicting records. If you're using a CDN, disable proxying for all records.

  5. Click the 'Verify' button below after the DNS records have propogated. It can take 30 minutes or more.

  6. Remember to publish all pages of your project on Linguana to your new domain to make your website live.

If you encounter any trouble and require further assistance setting up your custom domain, please contact us at

Last updated